Getting Married – Starting a Family – We are not getting married for ourselves, as it may seem at first, but for the family!

Getting married and start a marriage and a family and finally hear the wedding bells? Your wedding orator, Abbot Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery, will work with you to create an unforgettable wedding according to your wishes and ideas.

Prayer and Meditation - Family

I was a child of fifteen, a pure, innocent child, when I first experienced the sweetness of love's joys. He hugged me and laughed and whispered: Oh what luck! And as he did so, he gently, gently bent my head back onto the lump. Since that day I have loved them all, life's most beautiful spring is mine. And if no one pleases me anymore, then I'd like to be buried.

Miss Gigerlette invited me to tea. Her toilet was tuned for snow. She was dressed just like Pierrette. Even a monk, I bet, would look at Gigerlette with approval. Was a red room where she received me, yellow candles shimmered in the room. And she was, as always, life and esprit. I'll never forget it, ever. The room was wine-red, she was blossom-white. And at a trot with four, we went for a walk in twos into the country, that is, cheerfulness. So that we don't lose reins, aim and course, Amor sat behind us with the hot fours in the carriage.

Getting Married

We are not marrying for ourselves, as it first appears. We marry for our posterity as much as for our family. Where the women live in sorrow, the family soon perishes. Where the women live in happiness, the family always prospers.

The foundation of the formation of the heart is laid in the family, and the foundation of the formation of the mind chiefly in school. But also in the family. The basis of taste formation can be found in the family, less so in school, but also in love. For the family sacrifice one, for a village sacrifice the family, for the empire a village, for self the whole earth.