Getting Married – Unforgettable Wedding Day – But the time is over now, thank God, I’m free of myself now!

Do you want to get married and start a family? Master of Ceremonies, zen master Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery, will work with you to create an unforgettable wedding day according to your wishes and ideas.

Prayer and Meditation

I twisted a bouquet early in the morning, which I sent to my loved one. Did not let her know from whom and who picked the flowers. But when I came to the dance in the evening and acted furtively and gently. She wore the carnations on her bosom and looked at me and laughed. When I was young you saw me in prancing, like a figure from heaven's heights, with chaste, bashful cheeks, walking away from you, my dear.

I left without all my goods and possessions, I strayed wildly into life, and asked for a charitable gift in many a place in many a house. Suddenly a gens d'arme came and took me by the arm. Blushing, I followed his footsteps, he brought me to the penitentiary. So it was said that I should do penance for whores for three years. But the time is over now, thank God, I'm free again.

Unforgettable Wedding Day

Late autumn fog, cold dreams, overflowing mountains and valleys, storms are already defoliating the trees and they look ghastly bare. Only a single, sadly silent single tree stands bare of leaves, damp with tears of sadness. As it were, shaking its green head. Ah, my heart is like this wilderness, and the tree that I see there is summer green. That is your portrait, beloved, beautiful woman! If the inert substance of this body were the spirit, no distance could separate us, through spaces I would have followed you quickly and did not want to recognize any borders.

And if my feet stood spellbound in the farthest place, the spirit would truly have a barrier to mockery. I would think my way across land and sea and the thought would already have reached my goal. I am killed by the thought that I am not thought in order to always find you. My element forces me to renounce overcoming the obstacle of space. The tears I cried for you are heavy from earth and water, which unite in me.