Japanese Buddhist Wedding – You, you are close to my heart, you, you are close to my mind!

Do you want to get married and start a family? Your wedding celebrant zen master Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery, will arrange the Japanese Buddhist wedding with you according to your wishes and ideas.

Prayer and Meditation

You, you are close to my heart, you, you are on my mind, you, you cause me a lot of pain, don't know how good I am to you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, you don't know how good I am to you. Just as I love you, so love me too. I feel the tenderest instincts only for you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I feel alone only for you. Yes, but may I trust you, you, you with a light mind?

You, you can build on me, you know how good I am to you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, you know how good I am to you. And, and if your picture appears to me in the distance, then, then I wish so much that love unites us. Yes, yes, yes, yes, that love unites us. Is that you? Big out of space at night, which is mirror, your blown image sounds in my soul.

The stars harp through your chest. But you ... You may be yearning to shine in the white feather bed Dream lies hard in your lap. Or a young darling sensitively traces the firm curves of your breasts with a drawing finger. You are very hot and have beautiful predatory spots on your backs.

Japanese Buddhist Wedding Ceremony

O little rose, beautiful and youthful, on your journey of thorns! My song hovers around you like a bee and whispers softly. I love you with sorrow and desire, you flower of my sorrows! I carry the rose on my breast and alas! the thorn in the heart.

I'm lonely and alone because it floats so sweet and mild around me in the moonlight your beloved faithful image. What I think, what I do between joy, desire and pain, where I walk, where I stay, my heart is with you forever. Unreachable like the stars, sparkling with bliss like their brilliance, you are near, but even so far away you fill my soul completely.