Getting Married – Wedding in Appenzell – Look, there he comes and sings: «Well, where are you dear?»
Prayer and Meditation
What night, what moon, when I'm waiting for my friend! I stand there pale and cold and my heart trembles. See, there he comes and sings: "Now, where are you dear?" And he gives me his hand and he kisses my mouth! My love, stop! Stop kissing! Even with you without a kiss, my blood glows enough. Even without a kiss your cheek turns red, and my breast heaves, and my eyes shine like the star in the sky!
Yes i long for you I'm slipping out of my hands, losing myself, with no hope of denying it. What comes to me as if from your side, serious and undeterred and steadfast.... those times: O how I was one, nothing that called and nothing that betrayed me; my silence was like that of a stone over which the brook murmurs.
But now in these spring weeks something has slowly broken me off from the unconscious dark year. Something has given my poor warm life into the hands of anyone who does not know what I was only yesterday.
Wedding in the Region Appenzell
Which meadows do your hands smell? Do you feel how the scent from outside is based more on your resistance. Above the stars are already in pictures. Give me, love, to soften your mouth; Oh, all your hair is unused. Behold, I want to surround you with yourself and lift the fading expectation from the rim of your eyebrows; as if with nothing but the insides of my lids, I want to close all the places that look with my tenderness.