Wedding – Swiss Chalet – As the scent of violets breathes in the spring air, your actions are breathed in the graceful fragrance!

The Swiss Chalet in Merlischachen offers a beautiful location for your wedding directly on the shore of Lake Lucerne. Abbot Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery arranges the wedding ceremony with you to make this important day and unforgettable event.

Photography: Marco Hartmann

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

My eyes like to rest on you, girly face, because you are so lovely and don't know it. As the violet breathes fragrance in the spring air, your actions are breathed in fragrance in grace. You smile kindly to me, you light up my soul. How dear you are to me, you don't know.

Now the world lies surrounded by a rigid winter night, what good is it that by the fireplace I thought of vanished love? The fire wants to go out, the last log burns up, the flames become ashes, that's the end of the song. The end of the old song, I can't think of anything new than silence and forgetting. And when will I forget you?

Your Weddint at the Swiss Chalet

What brings your souls together must come from the purest depths and be as true as the blue of the sky. Then it stays fresh and new for you forever. Every blossom on the tree of life sprout from first love and first delight. How did time go, how did the sun go? – You hardly know it yourself. Venus wove a pearl into every woman's life. She has beauty in one's grace, grace - majesty and goodness - magic - rosy blossom of virtue, charm even in defiant weeping.

To please another, graciously given into the world. But only in love did she write loyalty in the heart of the chosen ones. Oh, who understands his own heart! It's a riddle for you, created in your breast. Heavy today like a mountain of ore, it wants to pull you down. Tomorrow relieved of all heaviness, it blazes jubilantly towards the clouds, and then in evenly measured hours it carries pleasure and pain. Ah, who controls his own heart!