Getting Married – Wedding at Lake Constance – Sweet, wonderful fire reflecting in the cheeks glowing!

Do you want to get married at the Lake Constance? Your wedding celebrant, zen master Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery, will conduct the wedding ceremony with you according to your wishes and ideas.

Wedding Prayer and Meditation

Be silent, mouth, and speak, eyes! I don't want any other show. Only such tender messengers are good where a tender secret speaks. Through the veil of shadows of the eyelashes looks penetrate, fearful, but bold. Sweet, wonderful fire reflecting in the cheeks glowing.

Yes, with miraculous power they ignite light in the related being, they quickly know how to find the path deep into the heart. And the lovely ambassadors speak mighty language there, and so the look's message is entwined with changing bonds. Unprofaned by external witnesses, and in the holy still room, long while in tender silence, Lights of a blessed heavenly dream!

Wedding Celebration at Lake Constance

Is love so tangled, or am I so clumsy? When I started it with her, and her web spun me. If she lent me many a kiss, would she love? I never knew. and after the net has been torn, I still don't seem to know when she gives me a look, whether she doesn't still love now? Today my slumber was broken off until the young day.

The heart went beating with hammering and pounding. As if a group of boys were roaming around wildly in both chambers. Granted, until morning, the knocking and hammering.

Now it shows in the light of day what the rangers have done inside. They have hung your image in my heart shrine! You're good to me, but you don't love me, your face stays so cool and calm, completely unmoved. When hot my burning mouth kissed you, whether then your heart - oh how I would like to know - beats wilder?

We let the roses burn up on the bush, now is the time for the autumn asters to bloom. You hardly see her, your gaze wanders silently to the shimmering distance, do you long for something? Do you know luck? Are you tempted by a dream? ...