Your Unforgettable Wedding – The Beginning of your Marriage and Family! – We want to live and die together, both of us, you and me!

As a wedding celebrant, zen master Reding, from the Honora Zen Monastery, will accompanies you through the wedding ceremony and celebrates family and love with you.

Prayer, Meditation about Love

How slowly I drag myself from place to place, since I've learned nothing from my goal, shying away from it, on rest and travel but only this sentence: "How far are you from your friend!" My animal trots lazily on its way, as if deceptive ' it felt the weight of my grief and felt my pain of pulling from you and my wish that I could go no further. In vain if I sometimes spur it, the bloody spur does not fire the step; how it suffers groaning from my anger, I suffer its pains much more with it. I got the reminder back for them: grief lies ahead of me, happiness behind me.

Wedding Ceremony

Mariechen sat at the distaff, her child slumbered in the grass; The cool evening wind blew through her black curls. She sat so musing, so sad, so serious and pale as a ghost; Dark clouds moved eerily, and the pond rippled. The heron circled over the reed, the seagull roamed about wildly, the dust swept whirling along the path, the drops were already falling heavily. And the hot tears run heavy from Mariechen's cheeks, and crying in her arms she clasps her slumbering child. How peacefully you sleep and dream, you poor, abandoned worm! It thunders, the drops fall, the trees are shaken by the storm!

Your father has forgotten you, you and your mother; You are, you poor orphan, alone on the wide earth! Your father lives merrily in joys; God let him fare well. He doesn't know anything about us, doesn't want to see you and me! And if I fell into the deep lake with you while you slumbered, then we are both safe, grief and woe are over! – Then the child opens its eyes, looks up in a friendly way and laughs. The mother sobs and clutches it to her chest with might and main! No, no, we want to live, both of us, you and me! Your father be forgiven, how happy he made me!