Ruby Wedding – 40th Wedding Anniversary – Renewal Ceremony – Then you are the lovingly beloved and more than a king!

Master of ceremonies Abbot Reding guides you through the Ruby Wedding and celebrates the 40th wedding anniversary with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Ruby Wedding - 40th Wedding Anniversary

Ruby means "red" like love and blood. How blood expresses connection and vitality, after 40 years of marriage one has proved what love is.

Prayer and Meditation

You are what you want to be in the mighty realm of your soul: A beggar - A king. The lord of thoughts obeys you. You set the limits yourself, you have the power to change them. You can hide in the dark like a defiant child, you can boredly look at your surroundings through windows, you can receive visitors. Deny visitors access, send thought couriers with messages to the neighboring kingdom.

You just need to know one thing: they return, and the answer, echoing the message, can mean war or peace. But if you send thoughts of love, the snow-white birds, towards the sun as far as their wings can carry, then lay down your border posts! No enemy can harm you. Then you are the lovingly beloved and more than a king.

Wedding Day

Shadow kisses, shadow love, shadow life, wonderful! Do you think, fool, that everything will remain the same forever, do you? What we love and firmly possess fades away, like daydreaming, and the hearts that forget and the eyes fall asleep. I walk among flowers and blossom with them myself. Walk as in a dream, and sway at every step. Oh, hold me, beloved! Otherwise I'll fall at your feet from love drunkenness, and the garden will be full of people.

When you walk past me and your dress only touches me, my heart rejoices in you and stormy it follows your beautiful trail. Then you turn around and look at me with those big eyes, and my heart is so scared that it can hardly follow you. Oh, I long for tears, tears of love, painless, and I fear this longing will be fulfilled in the end. Love's sweet misery and love's bitter lust creeps up again, heavenly tormenting, in the scarcely healed breast.