Platinum Wedding – 55 years – It often flows more gently like a silent stream, believe me, it’s just all the deeper!

The platinum wedding marks the wedding anniversary after fifty-five years of marriage. Platinum is very resistant to corrosion as is marriage which has thrived for over half a century and will continue to thrive.

Platinum Wedding - 55th Wedding Anniversary

Wedding officiant Zen Master Father Reding guides you through the platinum wedding and celebrates the family with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

My love has many forms, it can transform itself a hundredfold. Like the tide - as if you were an island, my passion surges around you. As if you were a cathedral. That venerably rises up to heaven, humbly twines it up again like the ivy on you. Often, like a mugger ambushing a rich man, she jumps at you. Sometimes she approaches you timidly and submissively, like a beggar.

Or it storms you like a thunderstorm of the Carpathian snow, with thunder, sometimes it sings of you, like the rose sings the sweet songs of the nightingale. So always my love changes like life, and it never ends. If it often flows more gently like a quiet stream, believe me, the deeper it is.

Platinum Wedding

Lisette, dearest rosebush, my heart's sugar stalk, you, the underskirt of my body, my treasure and a thousand angels. Hear the sound, and beautiful gsang, the clean ritornellos sound like cowbells. And this is in honor of you, because I love you dearly, my heart in pants trembles. Out of sheer love instincts, you will also, according to the custom of the trade, really mean me from the heart.

Otherwise I'll have to cry to death. Oh, get up quickly, you dearest Lisette, oh, let me in, my child, my darling, into your bed, for Harlequin, your heart and mind awaits you with pain, get up and let yourself be hearted!