Mahogany Wedding – 27 years of growth – As the colorful swarm of stars paints itself in the lake, my sky is reflected in your eyes!

The Mahogany Wedding marks the wedding anniversary after twenty-seven years of marriage. The most valuable wood in the world grows slowly and steadily, like the growth of the family.

Mahogany Wedding - 27th Wedding Anniversary

Wedding speaker zen master Father Reding guides you through the mahogany wedding and celebrates the family with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

My heart is so filled with love for my loved one. That she in a thousand drops Over it flows and swells. And each of these drops shines like a precious stone, and I catch all the thousand drops. And put them together to a dense wreath, around my dearest forehead I wind the bright splendor. That the earth laughs all around when it passes by, and everything stands and marvels; "Behold the lovely, behold! She must be a princess, rich and noble in lands?"

No, a poet's favorite, and that's a lot more! Who understands the tears of joy and the eternal longing of love to be one in two. To find oneself in the other, that the boundaries of duality disappear and the pain of existence. Who so completely in heart and mind could fall in love with a being O! He is not comforted by the fact that for joys that are lost, new ones are born again. Those aren't.

The beloved, sweet life, this taking and this giving. Word and sense and sight. this searching and this finding, this thinking and feeling, no god gives back.

Mahogany Wedding

Blue the sea! Surrounded by tall reeds, Your eyes are blue, gracefully wreathed in brown lashes. As the colorful swarm of stars paints itself in the lake, my sky is reflected in your eyes. But how the boats sway in the lake, well, let me look you in the eye, the thoughts. Damp and cool, the floods of water light flickering, does your bright eye also look cool? never know. Do you love me? So I ask daily, I ask hourly; But your heart is like the sea, unfathomable.