Cedar Wedding – 49 years – Close to paradise, the land of God, and be sent to us for enlightenment!

The Cedar Wedding marks the wedding anniversary after forty-nine years of marriage. The cedar is the tree of kings. Power, greatness and immortality are associated with the cedar.

Cedar Wedding - 49th Wedding Anniversary

Master of Ceremonies, Zen Master Father Reding guides you through the cedar wedding and celebrates the family with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

I love you, you, I won't leave you alone until you still assign your heart to me today. You take care, because before you thought it, what's the matter, I made you kiss today. The little mouth just pointed and think that's a joke. I don't care. I kiss like lightning. Because I can't do anything but love you, I want to love you as much as I can.

I had prescribed myself to hate you, my heart looked at the prescription with hatred. I had driven myself to forget you. It was forgotten before I remembered. As the hatred was ground down by itself, so the oblivion melted away in itself. So let me love you as much as I can, because I can't love anything but you.

Cedar Wedding

close the gate; let his wings fly. Light your lamp in all lands! I feel as if I heard the cry that death had risen to life. Spread out your fields and your paths. Let your waters flow clear and kind, and from heaven may grace shower upon all that the earth bears. close the gate; humanity enters. Oh, let her be blessed with this step! Close to the shrine before which we kneel in prayer, to which we pay the love and veneration that we relate to its content. And not to which human works should be devoted!

Let us recognize what we did not recognize, the spirit always concealed from us the soul. Let's understand what we didn't understand because true love didn't inspire us. Close the shrine and show what it contains, that with the veil falls error! close the hearts; nowhere are they open, because each only wants to feel for itself, and yet it is its own, most beautiful hope. May they meet in love! Let this love finally awaken and rise out of the ego into life, making people the whole of humanity.

And show yourself as the soul of this body. Close the hearts, teach them to understand that all pulses only go as one! Close to paradise; give it back to us! We want to go home; we want to keep peace. The Father is the head; we are the limbs. Only his kindness should prevail in the house. Be the time that gathers us around him, show us the most precious words on earth that stammer our request for reconciliation, then you will become a time of Eden. Close to paradise, the land of God, and be sent to us for enlightenment!