Entry of the Bride – The father hands over the daughter to the future husband!

The entry of the bride marks the beginning of the wedding ceremony. Most often, the father hands over his daughter to the future husband. But why the father or a male relative?

Entry of the Bride

According to what criteria do spouses choose their future wives and husbands? Every short-term decision requires completely different criteria than a long-term decision. The wedding celebrates the beginning of a new family. So you're looking for someone you can trust with your life. Not only his life, but also the life of his children. And that's the whole point. When choosing a partner in the short term, the criteria that lead to a self-glorified life are important.

When making a long-term decision, you look for someone who is complementary, because what is best is not necessarily for yourself, but for the whole (family, children). So a long-term decision is built on compassion and a short-term one on pity. We learn sexuality from the opposite sex because it is dealing with the unknown. As children we learn intimacy from parents, which is later expressed as sexuality with one's own husband/wife.

Father Role - Entry of the Bride

The woman chooses the husband, not only for herself, but she is looking for a potential father for her children and thus takes into account completely different criteria for the selection. And so it is not a self-referential decision, but aims at the greater whole. She unconsciously orients herself to her own father, from whom she learned intimacy and familiarity with the unknown (difference man & woman), and knows the difference between pain and joy.

This self-reflection creates an understanding of the parental role and you can take responsibility yourself by consciously taking on this task. One orients oneself on the mother, father, wife. husband and parent role. If you cannot see the difference between the role (task, telos) and the person, you orient yourself towards the person and decide based on personal likes and dislikes. Both lead to disaster. But if you follow the telos, the foundation for a healthy family is laid.


In our modern society we have fallen into the misconception that only everyone knows what is best for them. But if you reflect carefully on your life and death, you realize that mostly the advice of the elders and wise ones is needed.

After all, we are not isolated from our own history and omnipotent. With the handing over of the bride, both daughter and father confirm that a good decision was made and emancipation begins, because now the woman herself can slowly grow into the role of mother and wife.