Grace Wedding – 70 Years Grace of God – Sacred Marriage – Love shines, an eternal shimmer, flame that always grows, never rests!

The Grace Wedding denotes the wedding anniversary after seventy years of marriage. Only by the grace of God could a marriage be so enduring and long lasting.

Grace Wedding - 70th wedding anniversary

Wedding celebrant zen master Father Reding guides you through the grace of marriage and celebrates the family with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

Suffering through Him, such grace opens the paths of life for us. To suffer with him, to be like him, is the sign of the greatest grace. But it is the grace of the brightest star to suffer for the Lord. I follow God I want to satisfy him completely. Grace should finally triumph in the heart. I give myself God alone and unconditionally should be my Lord and Master.

Why are you running, why are you struggling to increase your deed? Just keep the field clean and the seed will sprout by itself. Strength dwells in peace, you just have to be calm, let grace in through open doors and gates.

Grace Wedding

How happy it made me that our paths met. Now I lie at night and cannot sleep. Oh, what love was hidden in my heart, waiting for its dawn year after year. Then day and light came to her, and she woke up. You, your sweet face, how happy it made me! "Have you not faded away yet, dim lamp, have you not died yet? All your oil is taken from you, and your light is still dawning?" "Love shines, an eternal shimmer, flame that always grows, never rests.

Needs no oil and yet always burns, does not need nourishment of its embers, and yet its fire never extinguishes." I knew that you love me, I discovered it long ago. But when you confessed it to me, it shocked me deeply. I probably climbed the mountains and cheered and sang. Went to the sea and cried at sunset. My heart is flaming like the sun to behold, and large and beautiful it sinks into a sea of love.