Jade Wedding – 26 years of wisdom and harmony – You know well that you are my everything!

The Jade Wedding marks the wedding anniversary after twenty-six years of marriage. Jade means wisdom, balance and harmony. In this way, the couple let themselves be guided with wisdom in marriage and family, thus achieving balance and harmony.

Jade Wedding - 26th Wedding Anniversary

Wedding speaker zen master Reding guides you through the Jade Wedding and celebrates the family with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

That is the greatest advantage for mankind, that everyone does everything for the others. And each of them receive it. the individual brings little to the whole, how much does the individual receive from all! How faithfully protected is everyone by mankind. How little more is needed for unity, for happiness and peace, for inviolable freedom from all people, than the will of all. To serve everyone with life itself! The god wants the greatest effect with the smallest means - but through the greatest attitude, through the most divine: - love.

You know well that you are my everything. O don't take your beautiful eyes off me. I speak of our love happiness with you, you are my everything! You know well that you are my everything. O don't look enviously at the flowers that fade early from within the brook that leads you, you are my everything! You know well that you are my everything. Oh soon, I feel it, you will have died and leave this poor heart alone, to which you are everything!

Jade Wedding

Say o say are they hallucinations? Am I embracing you as a wife? Are the poor muscle contractions pulling you as a wife against the thoracic wall? Is this happiness, this truly limitless one, I ask skeptically, is it really mine? No nitric oxide anesthesia lulls my brain into sweet dreams? Could I demonstrate to you, o sweetheart, this maximum of bliss! If you want to try me out, see, the stethoscope is ready. And the diagnosis will show that the once acute love is now chronically established in all cell tissues of my organism.