Sexual Desires – The Difference Between Sacrifice and Renunciation – No Sex Before Marriage!

A disciple asked Bodhidharma: The layman has a wife and children, so he could not cut off sexual desires. How can he become Buddha? The Zen Master: ...If you had seen the self-nature, the sexual desires would already be vain and calm. Then there would be nothing to cut off; then there would be nothing to attach. Although one may still have a habitual possibility, it would not be disturbing.

The True Self - Selfnature

Self-nature is originally flawless; although buried under the physical body, which contains the five sensations of the material body with its sense organs, the feelings, perception, the mental formations and finally consciousness. Self-nature is originally pure and cannot be defiled.


Truth originally has no sense perception; not from hunger and thirst, not from cold and heat; it has no diseases nor sickness; is neither blessed nor loved; does not belong to any religious sect; experiences neither suffering nor pleasure; is neither good nor bad, neither long nor short, and neither strong nor weak.

Therefore nothing can be achieved originally, but just this physical body has created those states of hunger and thirst, cold, heat, sickness and disease. When they can no longer deceive you, then behave as you will. For even in the midst of life and death, you have already attained freedom and, like all sages, can roll the wheel without hindrance. Then there is no place that is not comfortable. But if the mind still lacks clarity and all kinds of external phenomena are still obstacles for you, then it means that there is no way to avoid karmic results.


Eating Meat

Disciple: Killing is the butcher's work; how can such people become enlightened? The Master: I was only telling you to see the self-nature, not talking about the resulting karma; having seen the Self-nature, one creates karma, but it is different from the confused; that is, the multiplicity of karma does not imprison him.

Beginning-less Beginning - Sexual Desires

From the beginning, individuals have fallen into hell simply because they have not seen their own nature. Because of these consequences, they created and still turn the wheel of birth and death; but if the original nature were enlightened, eventually no karmic force would be produced. Without seeing the nature of self, chanting and prayer will not keep you from cause and effect. Killing isn't much of a worry in comparison. If, by seeing one's own nature, one would completely eliminate confused doubt, even killing living creatures would not disturb it.